duminică, 17 martie 2013

My Professional Review of Mira Hair Oil Treatment

My name is Olivia and I own my own hair salon In Ottawa Canada and what I have to say about Mira hair oil is true based on my experience and my clients.

I have been using Mira hair oil on my clients for months now and the results have been amazing to say the least!

I use the word amazing because of not what I have witnessed but also what my clients have said to me

Please note I am not saying this because I get incentives, in fact there is no way of getting this oil through supply channels. You can only get it at their website.

Mira hair oil is not supplied locally nor delivered through a supplier. Hair dressers usually have their supplies delivered by a supplier or distribution shop such as Sally's or Cosmoprof but you will not find Mira hair oil in these stores

Mira hair oil came to my attention from a client of mine who raved about it and being a professional I had to test it out myself
So I first tested it out on myself! On the very first application my bleached hair took on life, it went from being dry and crunchy to silky, soft and smooth. And the results only got better because within a week I felt a difference in thickness and length. I say felt because I did not measure it, by week four my hair took on the youthful look and feel I once had as a teenager. I was convinced of its effectiveness as a healthy hair growth oil

I wanted more proof so I tested it out on my clients by offering it as a paid scalp and hair treatment with a scalp massage. In other words I tried it with actual paying clients; on clients who had hair issued like hair fall and damaged hair and the results were consistent with mine.

For instance, one of my client's hair is damaged as she gets lot of color dye, bleaching and straighten done to it and I told her to use a little Mira hair oil after any dye or color treatment. The results were also good in just a few short treatments her dry brittle "hay like hair" immediately got its softness and elasticity back, she was amazed at the results

As a hair stylist I know how damaging the effects of bleaching your hair can be I mean it literally damages and breaks down the structure of your hair so it is very hard to get that soft healthy look back again unless you grow your hair out. And that is what this oil seems to do as well-grow your hair out fast!

Another client I have comes in for a scalp massage with Mira hair oil and she is hooked on the oil as well, she simply loves the way it breathes life into her hair- and this client of mine comes in weekly for a treatment with Mira hair oil on her own accord and suggestion without me promoting it or pushing it

Another client has thinning hair in the front of her head and thick hair at the back and with regular use of the oil she is growing back thicker and healthier hair. So yes I am saying from my clients experience that this oil does regrow hair and will stop hair falling!

She pays me $60 for a Mira hair oil treatment with a short scalp massage. I tell you all this because I want you to know I tested it for real with no incentive for profit from the company- in fact I bought the oil from the website at $69.99 a bottle!

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